Friday 16 November 2007

Inspiration from Nature

I love plants, big or small and they're simply amazing. With tender loving care and lots of water, they will just grow, grow and grow. There is this plant and at one point in time, it was not doing well. So what I did was I cut all the infected leaves and branches, resoil and fertilised the plant and I remember it looking absolutely horrible. That was then. Now it has blossom; and it's really healthy with beautiful leaves. It's still in my garden and I will always it's amazing recovery.

Ever since, I started gardening at my new home, I will make it a point to water my plants early in the morning before I leave for my work/start my day and again in the evening. When I water my plants in the morning, I feel like I am mentally preparing myself to face the day. The plant with their "water supply" for the day and I, with my "energy" for the day.

The plant need to face the scorching sun in order to grow and I too need to face all challenges for the same reason. And not matter how hot the weather, with plenty of water, soil and fertiliser, the plant will grow. In a way, it's the same for me. No matter what are the challenges, with plenty of love, courage and energy, I will grow. Grow to be wiser, happier and healthier.