Monday 12 November 2007

Creative Cake Deco

Hubby is very close to his family and we usually go to my mother-in-law's house for dinner every Saturday. Have been a practice since Day 1 of marriage. I am happy with the arrangement because hubby gets to eat good home cook food and drink nutritious soup at least once a week. I am not a good cook and I don't cook often enough (guilty).

After Ryan's arrival, the weekly gathering becomes more significant so that Ryan can bond with his grandparents as well as get to know his cousins better. Somehow I believe the more fighting sessions you have with one anther while growing up will help foster deeper bonding when you reach adulthood. Hey, just look at me and my brother Jimmy.

Anyway, last week, while I was there, I helped my brother-in-law and his wife to decorate small pieces of cakes. The cakes were for an orphanage and I get to decorate it however I fancy.
Yipee, I had fun and not bad for a first-timer; don't you think so?