Friday 21 September 2007

Mummy ...... don't go to school

Those were the exact words from Ryan and I was stunned !

Stunned because I did not expect him to miss me when I'm away for classes, twice a week from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. It's not just classes but also, I guess, I have been away for assignments as well. For example, I was away last Saturday (whole day) to do group assignment and will be continuing with the assignment this Saturday as well. I'm very grateful that my sister- in-law (with 3 kids of her own) was able to babysit Ryan. He spent the whole day playing with his cousins and really enjoyed himself........ playing games etc. Tomorrow, it will be more or less the same arrangement. Me - assignment and Ryan - sister-in-law's place. Sigh !!!

"But I want mummy - I want to be with mummy !!!! Why can't I be with mummy ?!!!" Ryan screamed and started crying.

While pacifying him, I explained the reasons why mummy needs to study and I also I reminded him that mummy will always be there if anything happens !!! Even mummy is in school, if there'san emergency, I will leave the school immediately and go to him ....... because mummy loves Ryan and Ryan is very important. Somehow after one hour of explanation, he seems to be able to accept all my explanation and he even promise me to be a good boy while I'm away :)

I do admit that I have been neglecting him lately and his father being away makes him stick to me even more. Personally, I am glad that he talked to me and I must keep on reminding myself that no matter how busy I am, I must make time for Ryan. Nothing is more important than family, not even my MBA !!