Thursday 6 September 2007

A day off work

Took off from work today and decided to go for facial in the morning. It's my way of rewarding myself and after all the facial is long, long overdue.

I started taking care of my face very much later in life - guess I thought I don't need it and facials are expensive and therefore, I considered it as a luxury - then in my early 30's and after delivering Ryan, my complexion went downhill. I started to develop sensitive skin and just before my miscarriage late last year (it's suppose to be our second child), the doctor put me on hormonal pills and that make the situation worst. I started to develop acnes and outbreaks especially on my forehead.

So, now, I started going for facial (once a month if I have the time; otherwise, I will make time and make sure it's not more than 2 months). So far so good. My beautician is home-based and the charges are reasonable. My complexion is still reddish - but it's improving, slowly bu surely. It's also something I want to do for myself. I was thinking that if I take good care of myself, I will feel good and I have learn that it's important for me to feel good and to allocate some "me time". A happier me will mean I will be able to do more for myself and my family.

After facial, I went out for lunch with my "best-est" friend in the entire galaxy - Sham. I always have fun with her and we have plenty to talk about. And then in the afternoon, I went to the library to do some work. After all there's an examination this coming Saturday afternoon and assignments to complete. Chat with hubby for a while just now (1 hour...hehehe) and I will hit the bed soon.

All in all, today have been a marvelous day.