Sunday 28 October 2007

Something is not right but what?

I am emotionally not stable – Not only I blew up in the office (albeit a mild one), I also had a breakdown, which is very, very, very unlike me. I’m this could not careless, straight-talker, emotionless being, uptight with a cold personality and a big mouth… something is wrong, very wrong but I can’t pinpoint what it is.

Sham, my good friend thinks that I may be pregnant, since I am, you know, emotionally unstable – and I forgotten when is my last period (I do not make it a point to remember since young as my period is forever irregular so no point in counting). I went out to get a test kit, negative – so, not pregnant…then why am I feeling this way? Stress because of examination? Hahaha, now that’s funny…..