Monday 27 August 2007

Distance makes the heart grows fonder and communication better

Just finished a long chat with hubby on Messenger. For the past 24 hours, besides being on messenger (when I’m at home), we have been actively e-mailing each other and even managed to make a few phone calls in between.

We concluded that on days when I am attending evening classes or if he needs to work late or go socialising, it would be better if I call him during the day on my handphone. As a result, I went hunting for a phone card. Found one, extremely happy with the rate offered and will definitely test it out tomorrow.

The ironic of all this is that, when he is around, we hardly make time to talk to each other. I mean, we do talk but it’s more like updating each other about our day and that’s about it. At one point in time, I remember, we vowed to talk at least 5 minutes before we sleep but most of the time, we were just too tired – so that's the end of the vow and now when he's at the other end of the globe and with a 13-hour time difference, we are making the time, effort and commitment to stay connected and not only did we update each other like what we usually do, we also share our thoughts and feelings. Isn’t life funny?