Monday, 2 June 2008

Ryan, the Pikachu

This is Pikachu, Ryan's favourite pokemon. And as with all pokemon, Pikachu cannot talk and will only utter its name. Pikachu is among the most recognisable Pokemon as it's the central character in the cartoon. As an Electric-type Pokemon, Pikachu store electricity in its cheeks and release it in lightning-like attacks.

Ryan is currently in his pikachu- the-only-love-of-my-life mood so much so that he's acting like one. Tired of hearing the word "pika-pika" all day long, we made a deal. Ryan will only turned into a Pikachu during his bedtime (or one hour before bedtime with mummy's permission of course) while for the rest of the day, Ryan will be Ryan, a healthy 6 yo boy.

When Ryan "turns" into a Pikachu (with mummy's permission), mummy will treat him like one and will call him Pikachu. That's the deal and we will see who get tired of this game.