Tuesday, 17 June 2008

32+ Weeks: ...and 8 more to go

Went to the doctor last Saturday. I have gained weight since my last visit. Everything is ok and baby is still "shy" and always facing downwards. I guess that's her favourite position.
When I enquired, doctor mentioned that it's too early to talk about delivery and we just have to wait and see how baby is growing and to decide nearer to the date.

You see, I have a phobia and it has everything to do with Ryan. Ryan was overdue baby, way, way overdue and he had to be induced. I guess he was a very laid back, contended baby and when he was in the womb, he hardly moved or kicked.

So I had to be induced and it was a long and slow delivery. I was in labour for almost 17 hours. Thank God I had epidural and did not suffer much but I guess at one point, that was a disadvantage as being numb, I did not know how and when to push. I ended up exhausted and eventually, Ryan had to be vacuumed out. Poor boy and for months, his head was a bit odd shaped. That's the story with Ryan and I wonder how would it like with this baby. Guess I will know, in 8 weeks time.