My gift for him? Well, being a very practical person, I managed to persuade him to choose a watch for himself since the one I bought him 8 years ago cannot be used as the strap was broken and they no longer "manufacture" that particular spare part. Which means, his old watch is still working fine, it just that you cannot wear it. Sigh....Anyway, hubby choose a nice watch for himself and we got Ryan one as well.
Anyway, what was special was that 2-3 weeks before our anniversary, hubby lost his wedding band while I had misplaced mine sometime back and have been trying to look for it without much luck. You see, I have not been wearing my wedding band since I put on so much weight but still carry it with me (in my handbag) for years. So, we thought of buying ourselves a new pair of wedding band. But, just a few days before our anniversary, hubby managed to find his (it was in his car). Feeling inspired, I began searching high and low; ransacking the cupboards, shelves, drawers and viola, I managed to find mine as well. Yipee ...