Sunday, 20 April 2008

Having fever and all plans down the drain

It started with a slight throat irritation last Friday and by night it's was full blown. I began feeling weak and fever kicked-in (38.4%). Could not do much, except laying on the bed waiting to be pampered. Went to the doctor on Saturday evening because it was too hot to go out of the house in the afternoon and with me having a temperature, it was a definite no-no.

Doctor gave me the works; paracetamol, benadryl, antibiotics, something to gargle + dehydration salt. All pregnancy safe.

A frightening episode was when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and my body started to shivers, non-stop for 15 minutes. I'm not sure what the cause.... maybe I was too cold and the worst part was I'm not sure how baby is affected by all this drama. Thank god that baby was active throughout my ordeal and maybe it was my imagination but I felt that baby was less active after my shivering episode. I hope everything is okay and will continue to monitor baby's movement.

As I'm typing this, my body is still weak. Hubby has been great, shouldering all the extra responsibilities, managing the household chores plus taking care and entertaining a sick wife. Ryan on the other hand is indifferent.

There's goes my plan for the weekend and I have a new one though....I plan to recover soon!!!