I have been a plain jane for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I have never been into girly things, cute things yes but not girly stuff. I am sort of like a tomboy when I was growing up and I don't really fancy wearing dresses - maybe because dressess makes me look fatter. I dunno how to wear make up until today. I don't take the initiate to dress up and my cloths are mostly conservative, dull (mostly black and dark blue) working cloths. Casual cloths would mean a jeans and a t-shirt and the t-shirt would be at least 1 size bigger.
So I am not sure what got into me but now I want a change, in fact, I am going for a total and PERMANENT makeover. I am inspired by all the blogs I have been reading and I too want to be hot mama and chick mum. :)
First thing first ....In order to be a hot and chick mummy, I need to look like one and the problem is currently, not only I am lacking in the girly skill, I am also overweight (according to my BMI). But that is not going to stop me ...... I am going to work towards being a hot and chick mummy. I need a plan, a work-able and achieve-able plan. Will surf the net for more inspiration.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Exam Day 1
Just completed my first exam this morning. Did my best, gave whatever that's in my brain and that's it. What touches me is that I have been receiving messages from my friends and family members wishing me good luck.
My family have been very supportive of my decision to study, especially my aunt, Aunt Jo. She has been staying with us and she have been taking care of Ryan while I go for classess, out for assignment, studying, doing reserach etc. Besides that she also cooks for us, does the laundry, ironing etc and keep Ryan entertained.
Hubby is also very understanding and he gives me the encouragement to continue.
As I grow older, I realise that it's not always the end-result that you should be focusing; it's the journey that you made and its impact to your life. So on that score, I will be happy with the result as long as I gave it my BEST shot!.
My family have been very supportive of my decision to study, especially my aunt, Aunt Jo. She has been staying with us and she have been taking care of Ryan while I go for classess, out for assignment, studying, doing reserach etc. Besides that she also cooks for us, does the laundry, ironing etc and keep Ryan entertained.
Hubby is also very understanding and he gives me the encouragement to continue.
As I grow older, I realise that it's not always the end-result that you should be focusing; it's the journey that you made and its impact to your life. So on that score, I will be happy with the result as long as I gave it my BEST shot!.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Ryan and his bicycle

Jimmy "Ah-Koo" and Amy "Ah-Kim" gave Ryan a bicycle for his 6th birthday. A bicycle, blue in colour and with training wheels. Ryan was absolutely thrilled. For his own safety, we bought him a helmet. So far, he have been cycling around the park and he enjoys every minute of it. The problem is, he likes to speed and he had a fall recently. Nothing major and more importantly no blood.
Tea Time with Ryan

I ate too little for lunch yesterday and as a result, I was starving by 4.00pm. To make matter worst, I was on leave and suppose to be studying hard but because I was starving, I just cannot concentrate. What the heck! I have been in the library since 9.00 am so its time to call it a day. But first, I need to pick Ryan up from his creche. My "not-so-little darling" was was surprised to see me so early and kept on asking what's the occassion.
"Why did you pick me up early today?"
"It's a special day, dear".
"What's so special?"
"We are going to have teatime together."
"But, I had already had my teatime in school."
"Okay, but are you still hungry?"
"You want to have teatime with mummy"
"So, let's go"
We went to a mamak shop (Indian Muslim) and Ryan ate one whole piece of chicken. He's one happy boy.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Study time
I'm on leave; Monday and Tuesday to be exact as Wednesday and Thursday are exam days. I have been a good girl and been studying. As you can see it's now or never; so it's like a last minute dash, burning midnight candle, whatever it is, I'm doing all I can to prepare for the exams.
So far so good. I've been able to cover the topics as planned and scheduled and my study philosophy is still the same; absord as much knowledge as possible, have fun amidst these crazy schedule and try my best while keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!
....... and I'm so looking forward to Thursday afternoon. By then, I will be home free........
So far so good. I've been able to cover the topics as planned and scheduled and my study philosophy is still the same; absord as much knowledge as possible, have fun amidst these crazy schedule and try my best while keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!
....... and I'm so looking forward to Thursday afternoon. By then, I will be home free........
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Something is not right but what?
I am emotionally not stable – Not only I blew up in the office (albeit a mild one), I also had a breakdown, which is very, very, very unlike me. I’m this could not careless, straight-talker, emotionless being, uptight with a cold personality and a big mouth…..so something is wrong, very wrong but I can’t pinpoint what it is.
Sham, my good friend thinks that I may be pregnant, since I am, you know, emotionally unstable – and I forgotten when is my last period (I do not make it a point to remember since young as my period is forever irregular so no point in counting). I went out to get a test kit, negative – so, not pregnant…then why am I feeling this way? Stress because of examination? Hahaha, now that’s funny…..
Sham, my good friend thinks that I may be pregnant, since I am, you know, emotionally unstable – and I forgotten when is my last period (I do not make it a point to remember since young as my period is forever irregular so no point in counting). I went out to get a test kit, negative – so, not pregnant…then why am I feeling this way? Stress because of examination? Hahaha, now that’s funny…..
Thursday, 25 October 2007
In one of my moods
I have a temper. Period!
It’s not something I am proud of and it’s something which I cannot hide. Anyone can tell that I'm angry by just looking at my face and I can tell you that's not a good thing, not good at all. Actually, my temper is like a curse and it gets worse. When I'm angry, I have no control over my big mouth and all kinds of filthy words can just come out of it, profanity (although limited to the F-word as that is the only one I know), sarcasms, hurtful words and I will go on and on and on until the anger subsides – basically I need to vent out my anger. I wish there is a better way.
The only good thing is that once everything is out, I will be okay. I can forget about the whole episode and move on as I will not keep score. The bad thing is – the people I screamed at – can’t and I don't blame them.
Therefore, I have to constantly remind myself not to blow my top, no matter how mad I am – and the result so far, fewer blowing up session and a calmer me for the past few months. Then it started. I am having a tough time at work for the past few weeks and have been trying hard to keep my temper check. Was successful until this evening – never mind, what’s done is done. Shall bite my tongue harder the next time, if it happened again.
It’s not something I am proud of and it’s something which I cannot hide. Anyone can tell that I'm angry by just looking at my face and I can tell you that's not a good thing, not good at all. Actually, my temper is like a curse and it gets worse. When I'm angry, I have no control over my big mouth and all kinds of filthy words can just come out of it, profanity (although limited to the F-word as that is the only one I know), sarcasms, hurtful words and I will go on and on and on until the anger subsides – basically I need to vent out my anger. I wish there is a better way.
The only good thing is that once everything is out, I will be okay. I can forget about the whole episode and move on as I will not keep score. The bad thing is – the people I screamed at – can’t and I don't blame them.
Therefore, I have to constantly remind myself not to blow my top, no matter how mad I am – and the result so far, fewer blowing up session and a calmer me for the past few months. Then it started. I am having a tough time at work for the past few weeks and have been trying hard to keep my temper check. Was successful until this evening – never mind, what’s done is done. Shall bite my tongue harder the next time, if it happened again.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Rest and Relax

When we were in Genting, we managed to take some nice shots of everyone and flowers. There are a few trees around the place we stayed, with red flowers dangling down from the soft branches and they are absolutely gorgeous!!
Ryan had a fun time there, running around, watching his DVDs (he manage to finish Scooby Doo the Movie – Part 2 and Evans Almighty). Unlike adult, kids do really know how to enjoy themselves and they are such free spirit. They do everything whole heartedly and you can feel the joy in their laughter. No worries in the world.
As we grow up and with more and more commitment and responsibilities, we forget to savor each moments as we tends to have a zillion and one things up on our head - work, deadlines etc; always trying to make sure everything is okay.
Looking at Ryan during the holidays, I can definitely learn a thing or two from him, there’s always tomorrow and we need to learn to enjoy each and every moment because it’s special.
Ryan had a fun time there, running around, watching his DVDs (he manage to finish Scooby Doo the Movie – Part 2 and Evans Almighty). Unlike adult, kids do really know how to enjoy themselves and they are such free spirit. They do everything whole heartedly and you can feel the joy in their laughter. No worries in the world.
As we grow up and with more and more commitment and responsibilities, we forget to savor each moments as we tends to have a zillion and one things up on our head - work, deadlines etc; always trying to make sure everything is okay.
Looking at Ryan during the holidays, I can definitely learn a thing or two from him, there’s always tomorrow and we need to learn to enjoy each and every moment because it’s special.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Lighting does strike the same thing TWICE
Back from holidays and now back to business.
Upon returning from our trip on Sunday night, we discovered that the lightning (which happened the night before) had damaged hubby’s computer network card and also caused the fuse of the power insulator to burst. With my cousin’s help (Thanks Fred!), we managed to get the internet connection up and running again. So everyone was happy. Little did we know that our joy was short lived as it rained again that night and lightning strike again!!. This time, I was able to witness it myself and I saw sparks coming out from a lamp post near my house. I woke hubby up and asked him to quickly unplug the computer. Maybe it’s because the computer is near us as I did not even think of other electrical items in the house!!.
After that, we continue with our sleep and we only discovered yesterday evening that the second time around, the lightning not only melt the fuse but also caused the computer’s power supply to kaput. We managed to get it replace and let see if there’s a third.
Upon returning from our trip on Sunday night, we discovered that the lightning (which happened the night before) had damaged hubby’s computer network card and also caused the fuse of the power insulator to burst. With my cousin’s help (Thanks Fred!), we managed to get the internet connection up and running again. So everyone was happy. Little did we know that our joy was short lived as it rained again that night and lightning strike again!!. This time, I was able to witness it myself and I saw sparks coming out from a lamp post near my house. I woke hubby up and asked him to quickly unplug the computer. Maybe it’s because the computer is near us as I did not even think of other electrical items in the house!!.
After that, we continue with our sleep and we only discovered yesterday evening that the second time around, the lightning not only melt the fuse but also caused the computer’s power supply to kaput. We managed to get it replace and let see if there’s a third.
Friday, 19 October 2007
Time to chill
We will be going for a short trip to Genting, just for the weekend. It's a short 45-minute drive to Awana where we will be staying and from there we will be taking the cable car to Genting which is located at the hill top. It has been a year since we last visited Genting and Ryan is looking forward to all the games at the theme park.
I'm just glad to be away and enjoy the chill weather there and to spend more quality time together. Aunt Jo, cousins Doris and Freddy will be joining us and we intend to have lots of FUN !!!
I'm just glad to be away and enjoy the chill weather there and to spend more quality time together. Aunt Jo, cousins Doris and Freddy will be joining us and we intend to have lots of FUN !!!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Garden: 18 October 2007
Here are pictures of all my plants in front and at the small garden at the back of my house. I moved into the house two years ago and started doing up the garden about a year ago.
I love all the plants and have been faithfully watering them. I should be introducing more colours to my garden and am thinking of getting more flowering plants although flowering plants does require more TLC.
See how it goes. But I will definitely post more pictures of my little garden from time to time.
I love all the plants and have been faithfully watering them. I should be introducing more colours to my garden and am thinking of getting more flowering plants although flowering plants does require more TLC.
See how it goes. But I will definitely post more pictures of my little garden from time to time.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
A long weekend

Me and my study buddies have completed all our presentations and now we are preparing for the finals.
Me and family had a long weekend since Monday is a holiday. We spent the whole weekend as a family ….. doing nothing in particular. I did some planning in advance, knowing me, the control freak but sometimes, things can be out of our control like for example, we planned to go to see “the eye” but have to cancel it the last minute because it was raining. So we just go with the flow and seize every opportunity to do things together. To sum it all, we had a nice family time.
Me and hubby also took aura photos for fun and for me it was somewhat accurate as I did experience some of the “ailment” shown in the aura photo. The remedy has always been the same – drink more water!!! Have to remember that.
I actually bought a camera for myself. Like what I told my best friend, Sham, I should not stinge on this as life is just too short and too precious to let it just pass by. I want to capture everything and post it on my blog so that I can remember it and laugh my heads off years down the road. Now, back to my camera. It’s just nice for me; compact, small, light and I'm planning to carry it with me all the time. Hopefully, my blog would be brighten up with more pix. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Greatest Hubby?
I came across this woman magazine and it featured 10 married hunk and their wives were interviewed to give feedback on their husbands; what made them attracted to their hubbies etc.
Well, I too would like to participate but since they did not approach me, I will do it anyway (in my own blog).
I think my hubby is great because:
Well, I too would like to participate but since they did not approach me, I will do it anyway (in my own blog).
I think my hubby is great because:
- He is patient and he listens to me whenever I have any problem.
- He makes me laugh in his own ways.
- He provides me with a balance and we can talk about everything; although we may not agreed with each other.
- He accepts me for who I am, my flaws and all and he has never tried changing me and I simply adore him for that.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
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