I ate too little for lunch yesterday and as a result, I was starving by 4.00pm. To make matter worst, I was on leave and suppose to be studying hard but because I was starving, I just cannot concentrate. What the heck! I have been in the library since 9.00 am so its time to call it a day. But first, I need to pick Ryan up from his creche. My "not-so-little darling" was was surprised to see me so early and kept on asking what's the occassion.
"Why did you pick me up early today?"
"It's a special day, dear".
"What's so special?"
"We are going to have teatime together."
"But, I had already had my teatime in school."
"Okay, but are you still hungry?"
"You want to have teatime with mummy"
"So, let's go"
We went to a mamak shop (Indian Muslim) and Ryan ate one whole piece of chicken. He's one happy boy.