Monday, 28 September 2009

I am in control

The last few months were tiring and challenging. Work is as hectic as ever and deadlines are deadlines, period. It's not only work......I feel that I'm letting others and situations to dictate my emotions....and yes, this is bad. Generally, I just feel as if I'm no longer in control of my own emotions.

However, my aha-moment was during one of my conversation with my better half. He said "you are a victim only if your allow yourself to be one". (Adapted from a quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt; "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"). I thought about it, long and hard. He's more objective than me as I'm more emotional...and yes, he's right.

That was a few days ago and I am slowly getting back into my old routine....deadlines are still deadlines...yes, but something can wait.......and that includes my blackberry.