Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Garden: Over Fertilised

My poor garden have been neglected for the longest time ever. Thanks goodness Auntie Jo is around to water my plants, otherwise, they would have all dried up by now.

Since I'm feeling much better and with some free time on hand, I decided to do something. I had to do something ~ this is a sign that I'm getting back to my good ole' self.

So I tidied it up a bit, rearranged a few pots here and there and finally, fertilised them. I couldn't recall the last time I did that so it must have been eon ago.

I was in a hurry and had given myself an hour to complete everything, just nice before Caitlin's next feed. All went well and I was happy. Four hours later, as I was bringing in the laundry, I noticed dark patches all over the grass. A close inspection revealed that the dark patches are grass which have turned brown as a result of over fertilise. I stared at it in horror.

What have I done? I thought I had organic fertiliser. I checked the intructions and realised that not only I did not spread the fertiliser evenly, I did not water enough and no, it's not organic and yes, over fertilisation will cause the grass to "burnt" and die. Damn....and all I wanted to do was to make the grass healthier.

I spent the next hour watering (flooding) the grass with the hope to salvage whatever I can. Keeping my fingers crossed and this should be a lesson for me.