Sunday, 7 September 2008

Caitlin's Full Moon Celebration

We celebrated Caitlin's Full Moon on 6.9.2008. It's basically a Chinese tradition to mark a baby's reaching 1 month after birth. Red hard-boiled eggs, ang koo, glutinous rice and pickle ginger are a must for the occasion.

That morning, me, the confinement lady and Aunt Jo made the red eggs. The caterer delivered the "goodies" at 8 am. Hubby and myself went around distributing "packages" to a few relatives before stopping at MIL's place to pick up more food for the gathering at 1 pm. I've also ordered little cupcakes decorated with a pair of boots and they are so cute and lovely.

It was busy day for us but we are happy to share this joyous day with family members. Caitlin wore her first dress on that day, a gift from Le Ching, my cousin. Come to think of it, Caitlin received a lot of new cloths from friends and family member. Maybe it's the most appropriate gift for a baby-girl-with-a-6 year- old-brother but I think they knew I was going to recycle all Ryan's old cloths and they came to the her rescue. Anyway, she'll have plenty of dresses once I go shopping. I maybe a tomboy (younger days) but Caitlin maybe the opposite, who knows.

Another thing worth mentioning is that me and Caitlin had flower bath a day before the full moon celebration. Not sure what it signifies, only know that it's suppose to good for us. According to my confinement lady, that would also marks the end of our confinement. Yes, yes .....freedom for us.

The funny thing is that I don't remember doing this when I had Ryan. Well, never mind. I just follow and make everyone happy.