Saturday, 31 May 2008

Mother-Son Holiday Outing

Although all school going children are enjoying their 2 weeks of school holiday, I had to sign Ryan up (and paid) for a special "holiday programme" organised by his kindi as there's no where else Ryan can go. Remember, both parents are working and there's no one at home during the day and that the reality.

So it breaks my heart when he asked how come he's still going to school when most of his friends are not. I had to do some marketing talk and sell him the idea that the holiday programme is very, very special and that's why we signed him up. That's work, for now. But I'm still feeling guilty.

So I ended up taking Friday off for a special mother-son outing. We just hang out together in the mall and participated in the activities specially lined up for the school holidays. He had his photo taken with Panda PO (from Panda Kungfu) and tried his hands building a basket using lego tiles. the finished pieces which were one displayed were awesome + colourful!

We also did a bit of shopping. I bought him a nice pair of sandals, Pokemon cards, a Pokemon book and a small pikachu soft toy which he still cuddles 24 hours later. Overall, we had a nice time together and I plan to have more of such bonding-outing in the future.

As a working mother, it's difficult to find a work life balance although I strive to achieve it everyday. With Ryan becoming more and more demanding and an addition to the family soon, life can only be more challenging. But still doable; with the right frame of mind and support and more importantly taking one day at a time.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Ryan's Poke Ball

This is my younger brother Jim. He and wife, Amy took Ryan for an outing last weekend and ended up buying yet another toy for Ryan. It's a Poke Ball, something Ryan has been eyeing since he has gone goo-goo-ga-ga over Pokemon. We, the parents know that somehow Ryan managed to get his way, again.

What's a Poke Ball? It's very complicated and I will let Wikipedia do the explanation.

The Poké Ball (モンスターボール Monsutābōru?, Monster Ball in original Japanese language versions) is a spherical contrivance in the Pokémon video games and anime television series that is used by Pokémon Trainers to capture new Pokémon and store them when not in use. The Poké Ball is also a central symbol of the franchise, and is often found on Pokémon-themed products.

So, Ryan returned home a happy boy holding his Poke Ball which "stores" a Piplip (one of the many, many pokemon characters; obviously they could not find Pikachu, the most popular and also Ryan's favourite character) while Jim burnt RM69.90 in the process.

See......if you cannot get anything from your parents, there's always Jimmy Ah-Koo and Amy Ah-Kim.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

29+ Weeks: Feeling Blue Without My Life Saver a.k.a. Maxalon

Upon my doctor’s advice, I stopped taking Maxalon, my anti-nausea pill and as a result, I’m now back to vomiting and feeling fatigue & lousy. During my last visit, doctor was surprised that I am still on Maxalon and suggested that I try to do without it as I’m already in my third trimester.

That’s how my current “nightmare” started. My only hope is that my condition will improve with time and that my body would somehow manage to function properly without my “little-happy-pill”. But for now, I am suffering and I have also lost my appetite. But eat I must and I must also be happy and positive for my family and baby’s sake. But believe me, it’s a tough act, for now.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Article: Manage Not Only Your Time but Also Your Energy

I have been reading. Not only novels, self improvement and management books but loads of magazines as well and I've decided to include in my blog, articles which I found useful.
So here's my first entry under this new category; Article.

Salient points
While time is a finite resource, energy can be systematically expanded and renewed by establishing specific behaviours that are consciously practiced & precisely scheduled with the intention of making these habits part of our lifestyle. (something like deliberate practice).

As we have, to a certain extent, gain control over our energy level, it's important for us to know the source of our energy. In a nutshell, human energy comes from our Body, Emotions, Mind & Spirit (BEMS). Then the next question; how do we rejuvenate these sources? Back to basic, I guess.

Body - enough sleep & rest, exercise, healthy eating habits & lifestyle, have intermittent break to renew energy especially after a long period of time, take good care of ones health etc.

Emotions - take control of your own emotions by learning and understanding the types of events that trigger negative emotions and find ways to counter or address them, cultivate positive emotions by learning to look at a situation differently and learn from each of them, the ability to move on etc.

Mind - focus, focus and focus and the determination to see things through, understand that the mind is a powerful tool, use it wisely etc.

Spirit - consciously allocate time and energy to different areas of our lives; work, family, health, time for ourselves and community etc.

What it means to me:
After going through a challenging 1st and 2nd trimester, I can really, really relate to the article. Having a good health is fundamental as we derive our physical energy from our body; next will be our emotions as it determines our state of mind.

What's been written is not rocket science and it something we all know but yet fail to appreciate. My takeaway from this article are:
  • to realise that we can control our level of energy and we need to work on them
  • know what makes us ticks so that we take deliberate steps to enhance them. Equally important is to understand what stresses us so that we can avoid and if faced with it we know what to do
  • make time for everything that's important to you
  • recharge and rejuvenate; afterall, we are only human

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Away on a Course

I was away for a 4-day course, work related and I was looking forward to learn more about the subject from the experts. However, I was a bit disappointed but nevermind, I have learn to make the most out of the situation, any situation. It's not that I did not learn anything, maybe not at the level that I would have wanted but nonetheless, it was a great exposure and experience.

I took the opportunity to mingle with other participants and to get to know my own colleagues. In the office, we tend to confine our conversation to work related issues so it's refreshing that I get to know them better and on a personal level. So, the course was not that bad after all.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Off to the Doctor

Ryan woke up with a bit of rashes on his chest and by the time I picked him up from his day care, he was complaining about itchiness and the rashes has spread. So, off to the doctor and we were quite relief when Dr Kwan informed us that it's heat rash and it's not contagious. Furthermore, with the medication, the rashes should disappear in a day or two.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


I always thought that I'm more creative than my hubby. And boy was I wrong!!.

Currently, I'm into photography and one fine evening, I decided to take Ryan to the park nearby. It's for him to run around and about and for me to try snapping some "interesting" photographs. After a few shots, I show them to hubby who either said "ok" or "not ok".

I was frustrated as he was not able to tell me why certain shots were "ok" while others were not.
So, I gave him my camera and said, "Why don't you take a few shots of the same subject so that I can see the difference and how it should be done?". He gave me his usual smile and off he went.
He only took 3-4 shots and upon viewing them, I immediately see the difference. Mine were very straightforward, flat and not interesting while his have everything in the right place, have a more interesting angle and subject is very "lively".

Aghh.... there is so much to learn and practice and who better to guide me than hubby.

Ryan's First Swimming Lesson

Mummy thinks it's time Ryan learn how to swim and not just standing in a pool pretending to. So, Ryan and friends (Johnathan, Sean and a new friend, Nicholas) got together this morning for their first swimming lesson. They were in the pool for over 1-hour. Not bad for beginners. Ryan and Johnathan are more adventurous and willing to dip their heads into the water and practice breathing while the other two needed some coaxing.

But the instructor is confident that all of them should be able swim, given time and of course tonnes of patience as we see it. Ryan definitely enjoyed himself and he's already looking forward to the next lesson.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Ryan's Magic Pen

Ryan has been attending chinese tuition for the past 1.5 months and seems to made little progress. Mainly it's because he's very new to the language and he has not been doing any revision at home. Nevermind, as long as he does not drop out and since have interest to attend. We also understand that learning a new language is quite challenging especially so if it's not being spoken at home.

Besides attending classes, we also "invested" in this device simply known as "magic pen" where one can just use the pen to touch the words in the special books (There are 4 books altogether) and viola, out comes the pronunciation. Very helpful for parents like us who does not know the language. At first, Ryan was intrigued with the pen and like every toy he owns, his interest with the new gadget seems to diminish over time The last time he used the magic pen was 1.25 months ago. Shall get him to do more revision.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Ryan cooling himself

It was a hot, hot day and Ryan enjoying himself in the garden. He gave my plants and himself a good "watering".

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Ryan's Current Obsession

Ryan, being a typical 6 yo, loves Pokemon. I bought him Pokemon cards and he has been carrying it everywhere for the past 1 month.

He's so fascinated that he started to write the names of each Pokemon on a piece of paper to show his kindi friends since he's not allowed to bring "toys" to kindi. I bet most of his friends (the boys) are also into Pokemon.

Since his school bag (Spongebob Squarepants) gave way, we decided to buy him another one and guess what? It's a Pokemon Bag and the current love of his life!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Ryan's baby cloths

My sister who is now 7 months along, dropped by last weekend to collect Ryan's baby cloths as she is expecting a boy and me, a girl. She looks good and no longer "bloated" as her water retention problem is now under control.

I was a bit nostalgic when I sorted the cloths as it holds many, many fond memories of Ryan when he was a baby; oh well, he's no longer a baby and I'm glad that his baby cloths is now put to good use.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Here are Ryan's craft for Mother's Day.
I will use the bookmark and the pencil together with the heart will be displayed prominently in my office. Wishing everyone a "Happy Mother's Day".

Sunday, 11 May 2008

27+ Weeks: Visit to the Gynea

We went to the gynea this morning. Dr Ravi was on leave the week before and he was also called to perform an emergency operation, therefore it was a very, very long wait. Anyway, Ryan had to go for his chinese tuition so papa had to send him while I waited at the clinic.

Baby is growing well and I had to mention that she's very active especially at night, to which Dr Ravi smiled. My budge is showing and I now looked pregnant. I've also started to gain weight, putting on some 4 kgs within a month. Doctor is a bit concerned when I told him that I'm still on maxalon and I was advised to slowly reduce my intake to once a day and eventually stop taking it. Will try. I have to continue taking vitamins, esp. calcium.

Dr Ravi did a scan to take measurements and to chart baby's growth. He could scan most of the angle except her face. She was facing downwards and as much as the doctor tried, she just wouldn't budge. Looks like that's all she's showing for today.
Want to have a look at her face? Maybe the next visit!!

Saturday, 10 May 2008

9 May 2008 @ 7.00 pm

Ryan can now spells 8 out of the 10 words given.
Papa is still drilling him !!!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

My Fridge

Here's my fridge. It's full of magnets on the top portion while Ryan's doodle occupied the bottom. The magnets are not only from our holidays but gifts from family members as well, especially when they traveling overseas.

As we are avid magnet collectors, they do not need to crack their head to get us the right gift whenever they are abroad. A fridge magnet will do just fine!!!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

7 May 2008 @ 8.32pm

Papa is really taking his "tutor" job seriously. As I'm blogging, I can hear him and Ryan doing spelling. So far, papa had said the following more than once.

1. Ryan, concentrate!
2. Spell it again.
3. Repeat.

And so far, Ryan had said the following more than once.

1. But I cannot remember!
2. How to spell????
3. What's the date today? And this has nothing to do with his spelling.

Good luck to the both of them.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Exams for Kindi Kids?

I freaked out. Ryan's kindi send important messages to us parents via a message book which we will then need to acknowledge by initialing on the appropriate column.

The message this time is to inform parents that 6 years old children (including Ryan) will be having their first semester assessment from 20-23 May 2008 and relevant books will be given to them (+ parents) for home revision. The class teacher have also included the format and areas to be examined for the coming "assessment". How not to freak out? Before this Ryan have been to a play school and play schools don't have examinations. As far as I'm concern, assessment = examinations.

I have not be monitoring Ryan's school work for the past 2 months and I did not know that he have not been doing well in the spelling. I got hold of his spelling book and he's been getting only 1 to 2 words out of 5 correct.

He's in full day school and therefore the hours are like from 8.00 am to 3.00pm. Although there are a lot of breaks in between, he usually finished his homework, with his teacher's guidance by 3.00pm. Thereafter, he's at day care to sleep and play before I pick him up. With such long hours in school, I will not be doing the "boring" stuffs like spelling at home but more incline to chat with him, do role play, story telling, reading, basically we will be having fun and doing bonding stuff.

I talked to papa and sort of like pressured him to coach Ryan for his forthcoming "assessment". Being the responsible papa, he relented. Anyway, papa can only teach him Bahasa, English and Mathematics. When it come to chinese, he's on his own; it's like the parents are throwing him into the deep end and asking him to swim. Sigh!!

I wonder whether it is wise to send him to a chinese medium school but more importantly how I suddenly become a kiasu parent?

Monday, 5 May 2008

On our way home

We are on our way back home. Stop at a traffic light and could not help but snapped a few candid shots of Ryan.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Book: Mind Mapping

I have heard a lot about mind mapping and finally decided to find out more about mind mapping techniques. Who might be helpful for my work since I have been struggling to meet deadlines. Hubby has a copy of the book in his "mini-library" and all I had to do is to find time to read it.

How was it? I must say that I'm very disappointed. Mind mapping is good, it's just the way the book is written and basically it's talking about 1 simple and good idea and repeating it a zillion times with different examples in order to get every possible mileage. Loads of marketing talk about how superb mind mapping is blah, blah and blah; way, way, way overdone. It's so badly written and awful that I had to skip through 70% of the content.

I would rate it a 2/10.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Eunice is in Town

Eunice and her two kids, Ian and Elisha were in KL last week to celebrate Eunice's aunt's birthday. Both kids have grown taller since I last saw them during my holidays in Melbourne.

We managed to meet up and went out shopping. Eunice even had the time and energy to organise Elisha a birthday party at McDonald, Bangsar.

I had ordered the birthday girl a "Dora the explore cake" and it was awesome and delicious.

It is always a pleasure to see Eunice and exchange stories + gossips. Although we do e-mail each other from time to time, nothing beats seeing friends face to face. She even got me 2 piggies to add to my collection! Thanks girl.

Ryan's Toe Nail

Ryan: Mummy, it's painful.

Mummy: Where?

My toe nail.

Come. Let me have a look. Oh my goodness, what did you do to your toe nail? Papa! Papa, come and see what you son did.

Papa: What happen now?

Mummy to Ryan: Yikes, it's coming out .. I cannot bear looking at it.
Ryan, go and show your papa and he will make you feel better.
Before that, I need to take a photo. Done, off you go.