10.00 am - Back from the wet market with loads of vegetables, dried foods stuff, meat, fish + breakfast!
11.00 am - Finished breakfast, cleaned and stored all food stuff + making sure Ryan is doing his homework.
12.00 noon - Me and Ryan hiding in my room - he doing his homework (still) and me doing my office work. Caitlin is just too boisterous and nosy. She distract us!
1.00 pm - Still coop up in my room. Ryan find it hard to focus - his own choice I believe while I have tonnes of work to finish. Am trying hard to focus on my work and not surfing the net.
2.00 pm - In the midst of frying "yam + nien ko + sweet potatoes" for tea time. (see photos)
Ryan is still in the room. Caitlin slept.
3.00 pm - Ryan's teatime and homework still incomplete.
4.00 pm - Ryan with his homework in front of the TV - still not finish. Brother and wifey a.k.a weekend babysitters are on their way here. Caitlin is still sleeping.
5.00 pm - Baby sitters arrived. Caitlin woke up. Ryan still doing homework (he's such a slowpoke). Did a 30-min jog around the neighbourhood.
6.00 pm - Setting table for dinner. Aunt Jo cooked. Brother bought some bread from one fancy shop for us to try. Caitlin playing with her babysitter. Ryan finished homework and watching Green Hornet on DVD.
7.00 pm - Had dinner (see photo). Nothing beats home cooked food in the company of loved ones. Kids had their baths.
8.00 pm - Everyone is resting. Aunt Jo playing PC games. Aunt Cleo watching online movies. Ryan digging $$ from his piggy bank for his forthcoming 1-day trip. Caitlin, disturbing Ryan.
9.00 pm - Had supper. Milo all around with cakes and pastries!!
10.00 pm - Preparing to call it a day. Nite nite everyone!