Friday, 3 September 2010

What My Daughter Taught Me.....

"Mummy, I want to try"......

Nowadays, that's her favourite words. I notice that since very young, she's very independent and she would insist on doing things for herself. She will feed herself and even refuse food when you tried feeding her. She will hold on to the spoon even as you tried stuffing food into her mouth. Since she was 18 months, she tried wearing her pants on her own and sometimes, somehow, she's successful but often than not, she'll end up screaming in frustration. However, it seems that she's quite content with whatever outcome as long as she give her best shot. It demand more time and efforts from us to take care of her as we will end up "waiting" and "secretly helping and guiding" her while she tries to "figure" things out.

I was smiling when I first heard her uttering those words and she said them more often now especially when there are new things for her to explore. She will look up to me and said enthusiastically ....."Mummy, mummy, I want to try" and before I can answer, she woulld have proceed with her "adventure". There's no stopping her. She's full of energy and she doesn't give up easily.

There's two sides to a coin. The "bad" thing is that I suspects I will be spending more time counselling her (compared to her brother!) but the good thing is that hopefully, her willingness to try new things (coupled with her quiet determination) will serves her well in acquring new skills and knowledge.

Caitlin taught me is that everything is a new adventure and instead of shying away, we should at least give it a try!! Who knows, we might end up loving it!!