Kho Senior took Ryan for a movie last Saturday They watched The Spy Next Door and Ryan enjoyed himself. As for us, we sort of grew up with Jackie Chan's movies and antics and as far as we are concerned, we have seen them all, especially in his early movies. However, for new fan like Ryan, Jackie Chan is the man......

The following day, Ryan went to watch Avatar with Aunt Jo. Initially, he did not want to go as he was frightened...???? But I managed to bribe him in (with a new bakugan). I really, really want to watch this show. I had watched it earlier with hubby and we both liked the movie very much and I hope that Ryan would enjoy watching it as well. The special effect is AWESOME!!!
Somehow, after both movies, he told me he prefered The Spy Next Door ............ arghh...well, a kid will be a kid and he is entitled to his own opinion.