Friday, 17 April 2009

Power Bars

I think I look fat; eventhough I have not been eating a lot but I have been munching. And because of that (the munching stuff), I think I am starting to pile on. Do bear in mind that I have not lost that extra kilos from delivering Caitlin.

I intend to skip dinner and instead, eat fruits. Actually, I just need to exercise but no time........and it's not me giving excuses. I have been working, working and working and Caitlin has been waking up more frequent now, sometimes up to 5 times a night. Argh.....

Wait a minute, that's not what I want to blog about. Focus, Shirley, focus....what was it? Yes, power bar....that's right. I discovered that if I'm too busy to eat, I can always grab one of these and it's delicious. Save me time and I will not go hungry and snacks on unhealthy food.