Ryan has 2 "piggy" banks and they are in the form of Chicken Little and Ultraman (are you not surprise?). And he emptied all of it so that he can buy the McDonald toys he wanted and of course after I told him that I do not have the money to pay for it!!
That actually gave me an idea to teach him the value of money and to encourage him to save if he wants to buy stuff for himself. So we counted all the coins and he had a total of RM15.00 . The McDonald toys costs RM3 x 4 toys = RM12.00. So I took RM12.00 and he kept the rest back into his Ultraman.
He was actually a bit sad because he has very little coins left. So mummy hatched a plan.
If he behaves himself, he will get an allowance of 20 sen a day. Misbehaving means zero sen. Hopefully, this will encourage him to behave (I have my doubts) and by sometime now next year, he can buy a decent toy.