Thursday, 27 November 2008

Ultramen Under Attack

I walked into our living hall and found this on the floor. Ryan, using his imagination, had arranged his ultramen battling with 2 dinosours; one dinasour was busy biting the attackers while the one is running away.

Can't help smiling.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Ryan's Tuition Bearing Fruits

Remember the time when we did not know what to do with Ryan's chinese? We ended up engaging a personal tutor for him who comes in twice a week, 1.5 hours each time. That was sometime in August 2008 and it has been 3 months now and he has shown tremendous much so that for his final year kindi examination, chinese is the only paper which he got 100%. We are happy with the teacher, Ms Lim and we are also proud of him.

Initially, we wanted the tutor to come in for a period of 6 months as we thought Ryan should be able to cope / survive on his own thereafter. However, looking at the school syllabus and seeing Ryan improving by leaps and bounds, we decided to continue engaging her. It will put a dent on our finances but I guess this is one of the sacrifies that we are happy to make.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Ryan's creative side?

Ryan have been playing with my camera, happily snapping away. Most of his shots are blurr because my camera is one of those cheap ones and do not have anti shake. I, myself find it challenging to use it.

So I was surprised to see him getting a clear shot. I'm not sure what he has in mind, but that is his hand. Is this a fluke shoot or is that boy creative?....Well, I'm not sure of that either.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Gardening: Chop. Chop, Chop

My neighbour's maid helped me clear part of my garden so that my cloths will get direct sunlight and dry faster. So....the green palm have to be trimmed as its the main culprit !!

She used the ladder and chopped off the leaves. By the time she finished, my garden looked bare but neat.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Caitlin: 3 months

Time flies ...... Caitlin is now 3 months old. She's such a cutie pie, especially in skirts.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Without fail, Ryan will "position" himself right in front of the TV every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

He, like any normal kids, just loves TV and can spent mindless hours glued to it. Though I would prefer that he spend more time doing more outdoor activities, I do admit that at times I would just allow him to watch TV just to get him "out of the way" while I attend to whatever-that-needed-my-attention" and since Caitlin's arrival, that happen very, very often.

He will be starting Primary 1 soon and like it or not, his TV time would be limited and I will also remind myself not to have the TV as the convenient babysitter.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Tooth fairy came for a visit

Ryan had such healthy teeth that his new ones had to push to old teeth out and his new teeth were not growing properly "aligned".
We were worried that he may ended up wearing braces !!! So we packed him to Dr Belinda who later assured us that his teeth will be fine and since he's still young, somehow the newbies will align with the rest of his teeth.

We are keeping our fingers crossed!!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Ryan's Kindi Graduation

Today is Ryan's graduation and the kindi did the normal stuff....graduation ceremony and a concert performance by all the students. It was fun. When they are in their robes, Ryan and his friends looked like Harry Porters.

As for the performance, Ryan did a robot dance and he was also in the choir. For his robot dance, he did quite well and we did notice that his body is quite flexible. He also mentioned that he like dancing and I'm considering enrolling him to a dance school. Something creative for him.

For his choir, we also note that he just could not stand still and get easily distracted. But so are the rest, so I guess, he's just your normal 6-year old.

Next year, Ryan will be starting his Primary 1 but before that he will be attending his school's 3-week introduction specially for all standard 1 students this coming 17 November 2008. My "baby" is growing up so fast.